Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
In August 2008 I was fortunate to be able to make my third trip to Colorado. This trip I was hopeful of getting close to some raptors.
A colleague of a friend of mine told me that Lake Parvin, part of the Red Feather Lakes, north-west of Fort Collins was a good place
to see Osprey, or the fishing eagle. I hired a car and drove up there, arriving mid-morning. I started to walk counter-clockwise around
the lake. It wasn't long before I spotted a lone Osprey perched at the top of a dead tree, right up near the top of a rocky outcrop.
Even with my Zuiko digital 50-200 mm lens with the 1.4 x converter, it was still "wee and far away". I figured if I could climb the
rocks behind him to the top, I would be about level with him. I left my pack under some trees and proceeded up with my camera,
binoculars and monopod. Finding the rocks difficult going, I left my binoculars and monopod on a ledge and continued with the camera.
As I reached the top, there it was looking at me, about 30 m away. I was able to photograph it for about 10 minutes, before it soared
away across the lake.
I feel so blessed to have been able to spend those minutes so close to one of God's magnificent aerial hunters.